En la materia ambiente, desarrollo y sociedad, conocimos un nuevo concepto llamado "economía circular". Este mismo es la relación entre la economía y el ambiente. Luego de estudiar el tema y comprenderlo, tuvimos que hacer un mapa visual.
En literatura, tuvimos que escribir una poesía encontrada. Esta misma consiste en buscar una frase o un pedazo de texto de cualquier lugar. Después, sin modificar sus palabras, hay que transformarlo un poema. Hay gente que la considera como algo no literario y otra, como algo original. Encontré una frase que me llamo la atención de "Operación masacre", una obra escrita por Rodolfo Walsh.
He aquí el poema:
La soledad
Ha oído todo
los tiros, los gritos
y ya no piensa.
Su cuerpo es territorio del miedo
que le penetra hasta los huesos
todos los tejidos saturados de miedo,
en cada célula la gota pesada del miedo.
Al traducir una parte de un texto a un poema, según como lo utilize el autor, le puede cambiar totalmente el sentido del mismo. En este caso, era de una persona que se quedaba paralizada entre los tiros que iban dirigidos hacia otras personas, y este mismo al inmovilizarse debido al miedo, no sufrió ningun daño y sentia y escuchaba el sufrimiento y los gritos de los demás. Pero una vez que deje de pensar en lo que este era realmente, tuve la libertad de verlo de otra manera, siendo de una persona jóven que estaba dentro del combate de las Islas Malvinas y al no tener experiencia, quedaba paralizado por el miedo.
También, vimos una pelicula llamada "El Artista". Esta película consistía en un hombre que era enfermero, usaba los dibujos que hacía uno de sus pacientes para luego venderlos y así apropiarse del dinero ganado. Esta película me hizo ver al arte de una forma distinta, ya que hoy en día se usa como una forma de comercialización y de esta manera, perdió el valor que tenía antes.
In Thinking Skills, we have been given a task which consist on writing an essay with the following topic:
Some people believe that children should not be given homework everyday, while others believe that they must get homework frequently in order to be successful at school. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Essay: Duties vs. hobbies
Nowadays, it is a great debate if children at school should be given homework or not. Up to which point is it convenient to send homework to students?
On the one hand, I agree that children should be given homework everyday in order to be successful at school due to different issues. School assignments would make students to practice and to master a subject, making their minds exercise. While more activities they do about a subject, the more they will acknowledge. It also helps children to focus and practice on how to manage their times and prioritize activities. In their near future, kids will grow and will probably assist to the university, were the quantity of things given to study and practical works are incremented in an unbelievable way. If they already know how to manage their times as they thit in school with homework, they wouldn´t have almost no trouble on adjusting to it.
On the other hand, most kids loathe doing homework because it limits the free-time they have. After being a couple of hours in school, kids might need a time for themselves in order to waste it on their hobbies, on their passions or even to rest after a tiring day. Instead, they have to get home and do homework, which let them almost no time for living their lives as they want to. What´s more, an excess of homework may lead children into stress, affecting the kid's life.
In conclusion, I personally think, although homework might be stressing to children, it is necessary in order to exercise their minds and don't lose their track in school. This should be done as long as the tasks given to students are regulated in such a way they can waste time in their hobbies and in homework.
An alcohol, in chemistry, are the ones that in the organic compound, have an hydroxyl functional group (-OH) which are bounded to a satured carbon atom.
Alcohols can be named primary. secondary and tertiary.They can be primary alcohols if the carbon which carries the -OH group is only attached to one alkyl group. Secondary alcohols whn the carbon with the -OH group attached is joined directly to two alkyl groups. Tertiary alcohols if the carbon atom holding the -OH group is attached directly to three alkyl groups.
To understand their consequences and how they work, we need to know how alcohols are produced. They are produced in a process called fermentation. Fermentation is the process in which yeast (single-celled fungi that contain special enzymes responsible for this reaction.) breaks down sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
Glucose + yeast alcohol + carbon dioxide
Here is a short and clear video about how alcohol is made.
Distilled beverage are produced by the distillation of grains, fruits or vegetables that have already gone through alcoholic fermentation. They are consider "harder" than the fermentation beverages because they have a higher propotion of alcohol content by volume. Some examples of it are vodka, rum, tequila, whisky and scotch.
Alcohol by volume (abbreviated as ABV, abv, or alc/vol) is a measure of how much alcohol is contained in a given volume of an alcoholic beverage. It is defined as the number of millilitres (mL) of pure ethanol presented in 100 mL of solution at 20 °C .
The consequences that alcohol produce to our body depends on what percentage of alcohol we have on our blood.
0.03%-0.12%: typically causes an overall improvement in mood and possible euphoria, increased self-confidence and sociability, decreased anxiety, a flushed, red appearance in the face and impaired judgment and fine muscle coordination.
0.09% to 0.25%: causes lethargy, sedation, balance problems and blurred vision.
0.18% to 0.30% causes confusion, impaired speech, dizziness and vomiting.
0.25% to 0.40% causes stupor, unconsciousness, vomiting and respiratory depression (potentially life-threatening).
0.35% to 0.80% causes unconsciousness, life-threatening respiratory depression and possibly fatal alcohol poisoning.
An unmeasured quantity of alcohol in our blood may lead to fatal accidents, not only damaging ourselves, what´s more, we can hurt a third person. In order to prevent this, alcohol tests are done to measure if people are legally drunk. Breathalyzers are used by estimating blood alcohol content (BAC) from a breath sample.
The movie "The Edukators" was published in 2004 and directed by Hans Weingartner. It takes place in Berlin. The movie is about three young people which are anti-capitalist. To fight against capitalism, they enter to the houses of people from the high-society and reorganize the furniture, leaving a note signed by "The Edukators"
El ser humano está acabando con la naturaleza, desafiandola sin temor, y hace lo que sea mientras sea uno el que se beneficia, sin importarle a quien, a cuantos o a que daña y perjudica. Los seres vivos sufren muchas de estas consecuencias. ¿Con qué fin lo hacen? ¿Destruir a la naturaleza? ¿Acabar con todas las especies de seres vivos?. No lo entiendo, y supongo que nunca lo haré. ¿Hasta cuando?.
Luego de reflexionar acerca de este tema, realice una presentación que habla sobre el riesgo de extinción de los seres vivos, relacionando y explicando conceptos con la intervención de imágenes.
Le mariage de mon ami français a eu lieu le samedi 18 août à 14 heures et je suis allé avec mon frère Patrice. La cérémonie a commencé a 15 heures dans l'église à Marseille, il a ete tres jolie. Quand la cérémonie a fini nous avons voyagé 20 km pour arriver sur le lieu de la fête. Il était très grand et incroyable. A sept heures et demie, nous avons dîné avec les 200 personnes invitées à la cérémonie. Tous les invités étions amirals avec moi et mon frère. Après a 23 heures nous avons écouté les discours des maries et nous avons mangé le dessert qui c'était délicieux. Finalement nous avons retournés à l'hôtel a 3 heures du matin.